Windsurfing: Should I travel with my own equipment?

Windsurfing: Should I travel with my own equipment?

A question often on the minds of windsurfers … should I rent equipment at a club or take my own personal kit with me?

What are the advantages if I take my windsurfing kit with me when I travel?

Travelling by air is the first point of investigation, both financially and in terms of personal comfort on the trip. Nowadays, most airlines offer packages for sports or oversized luggage, but this cost can sometimes be high when it comes to windsurfing equipment which is pretty bulky. Be sure to check with the airline or travel agency that sold you the ticket, so that you don’t get any nasty surprises. In some situations windsurfing board bags can be considered as a main hold bag on some airlines, and as long as you don’t exceed the maximum baggage allowance, it is included in the price of your ticket. Make sure you know the correct size and weight, in order to avoid any last minute problems. Your windsurfing quiver may take up some space extra compared to other sports, but it will allow you to enjoy your equipment on other spots than your own.

It’s always nice to sail with the equipment that you know, without having to think too much. That’s the advantage of using the equipment that you own! It’s true, you may have your eye on the Fanatic boards and Duotone sails from the ION CLUB centers, but at least you won’t have to wait for your turn to get your windsurfing gear, you already have it and no one will take it from you. No more racing to get the board or sail you want today, other windsurfers can rush to the center, you are ready to ride!!  Don´t forget there is a rigging area for your equipment and a rinsing area in every ION CLUB windsurfing center.

Another great thing about travelling with your own equipment is that your own adjustments are already made. The right harness attachments are fixed, you know the size of your boom for this or that sail, the footstraps are the right size for your feet. In short, you’ll spend much more time on the water than on the beach adjusting.

If by chance you feel like doing a surfari, (visiting other spots), you are free to move around with your own kit without having to pay any deposit to the rental center. By changing spots from time to time, it will surely be the opportunity to have less people on the water and to explore the country or the chosen island at your leisure.

What are the disadvantages if I bring my own windsurfing equipment?

The biggest stress of taking your own windsurfing equipment with you is undoubtedly that it doesn’t arrive at the final destination at the same time as you do, especially when you want to use it the day after your arrival. Fortunately, this is becoming increasingly rare. When you book your ticket, make sure you have at least 1h30 of stopover time so that your windsurfing board bag doesn’t get lost. When you check in, make sure that it follows you all the way to the final airport. This will save you the cost of renting windsurfing equipment for the first few days.

Sails, mast foot, boom, mast and a board (all in good condition) are essential for your windsurfing equipment to last, so that you can take it with you without fear that one of the accessories might be damaged and so find yourself without equipment at some point into your trip. Treat your kit well and it will repay you!

What are the advantages if I rent equipment from ION CLUB instead of bringing my own windsurfing equipment?

Traveling light is great, and besides … it is a holiday after all!

ION CLUB will always have good advice to give you on the spot and over the course of your windsurfing holiday, whether you are renting, taking lessons or using storage facilities. However, the wide choice offered by ION CLUB, or other windsurfing centers, can tempt us to try other sails and boards. Perhaps it’s time to experiment with a slalom or wave board, or a smaller board, a different brand, a more forgiving sail. There are so many good reasons to sail with other windsurfing equipment than your own. Getting the right equipment for a good ride is essential, especially if you have the good advice of local instructors.

The wind in the morning will be around 18 knots, and in the afternoon it will be strong, with 30 knots announced. What luck … I rented equipment at the ION CLUB surfing center, so I will be able to change my sail when needed. Same thing for the state of the water, flat this morning and waves a little later, it’s time to opt for another board during the day. Of course, just because you chose to bring your own equipment doesn’t mean you can’t rent from ION CLUB.

wingfoil session in Le Morne

How do I decide whether to travel with or without my windsurfing equipment?

Some windsurfers travel regularly. Investing in a very good quality board bag, strong but not too heavy, is essential. Which sail sizes and board volume requires some thought before taking the plane. Most of the time, it is necessary to take at least 2 different sails depending on the conditions on offer. That’s why it’s important to be well informed about the weather forecast and wind statistics. For a stay of at least 3 weeks or even more, it may be better to take your windsurfing equipment with you. There is nothing to prevent you from renting a board or a rig from ION CLUB when you feel like it, or if the weather conditions do not allow you to use your own equipment.

For a short stay, opt for renting kit at the center. You have the assurance to have a great trip and the potential to sail every day, no matter the wind speed. Just remember to book the equipment well in advance of your departure so that you don’t miss any sessions of your favorite sport, windsurfing!



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